Thursday, July 2, 2009

Glossary Greeks

1. Anthropology: is the scientific study of the origin and behavior of man in all its aspects, including the development of societies and cultures.
2. Biology: is the science that studies living organisms. Examines the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution and classification of all living things.
3. Cell: very small piece of the substance of which all living things are made.
4. DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses.
5. Evolution: gradual development. The development of the higher kinds of animals, plants, etc from the lower kinds.
6. Fossil: the hardened remains of an animal or vegetable found in rock
7. Genetics: the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms
8. Species: a specific kind of something; "a species of molecule"; "a species of villainy"
9. Taxonomy: is the practice and science of classification. The word finds its roots in the Greek τάξις, taxis (meaning 'order', 'arrangement') and νόμος, nomos ('law' or 'science'). Taxonomy uses taxonomic units, known as taxa (singular taxon).
10. Paleontology: study of FOSSILS as a guide to the history of life on earth.

· Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary. Third Edition
· Larousse. Learner’s. Chambers English Dictionary.
· Oxford. Advanced Learner´s Dictionary. 7 th edition.
· Diccionarios Microsoft Encarta 2007

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